Valley of the Giants

Valley of the Giants, located in Baja California, Mexico, is a remarkable natural reserve famed for its colossal cardón cacti, some of the tallest in the world.


Valley of the Giants (Valle de Los Gigantes) is situated in Baja California, Mexico, near San Felipe.

It is renowned for housing some of the world’s largest cacti, specifically the cardón cactus, which can reach heights of over 60 feet.

This natural reserve is a testament to the resilience and beauty of desert flora, offering a glimpse into an ancient ecosystem that has thrived in harsh conditions for centuries.

The uniqueness of Valle de Los Gigantes lies in its collection of giant cardón cacti, which are among the tallest and oldest in the world.

These cacti can live for over 100 years, making the valley a stunning natural spectacle and a living museum of the desert’s ecological history.

  • Carretera, B.C MX, Supermanzana Km. 15, 21854 San Felipe, Puertecitos, Mexico

Valley of the Giants Travel Essentials

Places near Valley of the Giants

Valley of the Giants tickets and entrance fees

Access to Valle de Los Gigantes often requires a small entrance fee, typically around $5 to $10 USD per vehicle, which contributes to the conservation of the area.

Tours from nearby San Felipe are available, ranging in price from $50 to $100 USD per person. These tours offer guided explorations of the valley, providing insights into the area’s ecological significance and natural history.

Is the Valley of the Giants worth visiting?

Valle de Los Gigantes is certainly worth visiting for those interested in nature, photography, or adventure. Its unique landscape offers a rare opportunity to witness some of the largest cacti on Earth in their natural habitat.

The valley’s serene beauty, combined with its ecological importance, makes it a captivating destination for travelers seeking to explore the diverse landscapes of Baja California.

How to get to the Valley of the Giants

Getting to Valle de Los Gigantes involves a drive from San Felipe, a coastal town on the eastern side of Baja California. The journey requires traveling on a partially paved road that leads into the desert.

Although most vehicles can traverse the road, a high-clearance vehicle is recommended for the latter part of the trip. Directions to the valley can be obtained in San Felipe, and it’s advisable to bring water and sun protection and ensure your vehicle is well-prepared for desert driving conditions.